
Women are nicer than you think.

Lauren Sorden florist

I met this beautiful friend (in person) for the first time in the parking lot of my eyelash appointment yesterday.  I feel like I’ve known her forever.  And I’ve got a feeling, she’s a friend for life.  She’s not only beautiful, she’s kind, generous and funny!

She’s as real as they come. 

We met because she’s so graciously providing the floral arrangements for our GNO tomorrow night.  She’s a mama to two beautiful little girls who decided it was time to leave her corporate job and lean into her passion for creative floral design.  Just over 6 months ago, she founded Blue Posy Floral Design, right here in Frisco and has been covered in blooms ever since!

I’m sharing this story for two reasons:

  1.  Lauren is amazing and you should totally get to know her.
  2. Women are nicer than you think.

I know we’ve all had our run-ins with mean girls, who seem to walk around with daggers in their eyes and gossip on their tongues.  We know they are just the hurting ones, who hurt others out of their own pain.  But it can certainly make it scary to reach out, especially in our made-for-social-media world.

So I wanted to share this reminder.  

Reach out.  Be kind.  Support a sister you don’t know.

Give her the benefit of the doubt. 

She needs you to trust her.

I know I did.   (Thank you Lauren!)

to more love,



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