Let me paint you a picture: Imagine me, in the middle of 2013, sitting on the phone with my business coach. I broke down — like a baby (you know…the ugly cry.) I was wondering what happened to the past few months of my life. On the outside I was doing everything right, successful biz, amazing hubby and adorably crazy kids, but I came to the realization that yes — I had an amazing life, I just wasn’t living it.
I won’t go into all of the sad details of me sitting on the couch with my laptop glued to my legs and my kids demanding attention that I just wasn’t giving them. I think you get the picture. It sucked.
So if that aha wasn’t big enough, I also ran across the book ‘Hands Free Mama’. It changed my world. It gave me a clear picture of what my kids saw as I checked my phone for updates at the stoplight, talked to friends on the way home while trying to shush them in the back seat and the priority I had by having my phone tucked into my back pocket as I walked around the house… just in case. Just in case I missed something from some random friend on Facebook?