
Make a big splash

Make a big splash

Early this morning, I sat down at the beach to write.

It’s obviously a beautiful place to write. Watching the world wake up here is a little different from at home. There aren’t any birds chirping. It’s pretty quiet except for the sound of the waves lapping on the beach.

A few sleepy-eyed people wander out with their coffee to arrange (claim) their beach chairs for the day.  A grandma with her big straw hat and bright green inner tube makes her way, step by step to the water to float. All is quiet and peaceful.

Until the children start waking up.

Kids don’t wander drearily out to the water. No way. As soon as their toes hit the sand, they run, with full abandon of all things cool. They make a beeline for the water. Arms and legs flailing, they make a big splash, tummy first, into the waves.

The little boy in this picture did just that.

I didn’t have my phone for a great shot, but I had to grab this one from my computer.   He appeared out of nowhere, beside me like a bullet toward the water while his dad slowly trailed behind.

As I watched them, I thought about my life.

I thought about how often, I must miss the big splashes in life.   Trailing slowly behind, still trying to get my bearings, when I could be cruising tummy first, into the waves.   I want to make more big splashes this year.

I want to make more big splashes this week!

Don’t you?

You might not be at the beach, but go to the pool this weekend and do a cannonball, will you? Or just run to the car with a skip in your step. Totally race the woman next to you with your grocery cart.

I dare you.

I know life is busy. Adult life is stressful, no doubt. We have responsibilities and deadlines. I know. But even so, we need moments of joy. Moments of less serious.

We need glimmers of Goofball Island to keep us alive.

Bust out in a dance party at the kitchen sink when a song you love comes on the radio. Come on, don’t just bop your head a little.

It’s the weekend girlfriend!

Try to act like it.

To more love,



  1. I love this!!!! It is so important to take the time to LIVE these lives we have been given! Bring on the joy!

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