
Let’s be impossible to ignore

I couldn’t believe it when I heard it, and you will probably react the same way.

Today, in 2013 over 27 million people are enslaved.

That’s more than in any other time in history and it’s a problem that knows no borders. How could I not know? Here we are with the privilege of building an amazingly free life for ourselves and almost 30 million people are trapped.

My passion around this issue has only intensified as I’ve realized I can do something to change that. You, me…WE are the keys to freedom.  And HeartStories is committed to being a part of that change in a big way.

I’m excited to share that my friend Erin Giles, created “End Sex Trafficking Day” so that we could do more together than as individuals to stand up for freedom.

I’m proud to be a part of that movement, and I hope you’ll join me. 

There is no better time than right now, to protect something we take for granted yet are so proud to have…our freedom. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter,” and THIS matters.

I’m inviting you to join me in supporting Erin.  Head here to watch the powerful video and learn more about the change she is creating, share the movement and give to her campaign.

I’m standing up for freedom, will you?


  1. Oh my word! I have been so caught up in how incredible HeartStories is going to be for women around the world, and so excited to become a member that I completely lost sight of the amazing contribution that we will be making to the effort to stop sex trafficking. Thank you for reminding me of the expansive “heart” behind HeartStories. I had read a couple of years ago that sex traffickers visit US cities that host major sporting events and they set up “shop” well in advance of the event because they know that they will have plenty of “customers” especially for children. It is disgusting, it is heartbreaking, and it must stop!!!!

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