
Killin’ it, together

Perfectly Gifted Frisco is Killin It ~ Crystal Gornto | HeartStories

This screen shot is from one of my favorite 3 second videos of all time.

Meet Amy and Ewa ([EH-v uh], you’re welcome.)

Here, they were apparently at the mall, trying to make a live promo video for their new business, Perfectly Gifted Frisco, when they couldn’t either one get a single word out for the hysterical laughter.  I love this because these are the girls I know.  Those are the girls I met on the soccer field hooting and hollering for their boys almost five years ago.

They’re the best of friends and both have full-time professions in addition to being great mamas.

One day in 2015, after buying multiple birthday gifts, both for their kiddos and their friends, they talked about how much they each enjoy finding meaningful gifts versus buying chain store gift cards.   So they took the plunge and Perfectly Gifted Frisco was born.   Now they have a thriving personalized gifting business that is still run out of Ewa’s home creating darling gifts like this acrylic tray.

PGF Frisco

The best part?

They’re still filling all the orders themselves and laughing hysterically as they do.  They’ve learned to be flexible and open to taking advice.  They have respect for one another.  They understand that they each have strengths and they trust in them.

It’s not all been fun and games, that’s for sure, but they’re doing it, together

Starting and running a business is really hard, but they stay inspired to keep going by keeping their families their number one priority.  They want to set an example of what it looks like to find success in working hard to go after your dreams.

And that, they are.

What could it look like for you to go after your dreams?

It will certainly look different than it does for Ewa and Amy.  It will look different than it does for me and for your next door neighbor or the friends you see in your Facebook feed.

Take 30 seconds and write down one thing that lights you up… could be anything from knitting to snow skiing to vacations to serving the homeless.  Just write it down.  Then keep adding to that list.  As it builds, start incorporating those things into your life.

Those are the things your dreams are made of.

If there’s one thing that stands out like a neon sign. . . pay attention!  Good things happen for you when you pay attention to what makes you unique.  Just like they did for Amy and Ewa.

Amy and Ewa

And good things happen for everyone around you too!

Perfectly Gifted Frisco is sponsoring our Girl’s Night Out next week and will be there with their spunky fun gifts to meet your summer gifting needs!  I can’t wait for you to meet.

We’ll all be killin’ it, together.

to more love,


P.S.  Starting today, PGF will be offering some fun giveaways inside the GNO Facebook group!  So if you’re local and you can make it, register quick.  And in honor of July 7th being “National Sister’s Day” use code SISTER10 to save $10 on your registration!


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