
Circles of women

I woke up this morning, thinking about you and what to share with you today, the word “family” kept coming to mind.  Maybe it’s because I didn’t get as much time with mine yesterday as usual, I’m not sure.  But I know family looks different for everyone.

These girls are a huge part of mine.  

It’s one of the greatest blessings of my life that I had the privilege to grow up alongside these ladies.  We share a lifetime of memories, in our hearts and in our minds, that bind us together like the strands of a strong rope.  We will be by each other’s sides come hell or high water.

We’re sisters.

It’s our DNA, sure.  But it’s so much more than that.  It’s the memories, the shared experiences, that have weaved us together over the years.  It’s the laughter, the tears.  It’s banana boat rides and Thanksgiving turkeys.  It’s games of Monopoly and Spades.  It’s go carts and trampolines.  It’s church musicals and pageants.

It’s showing up, over and over again. 

It’s holding hands through struggles.  It’s silence on phone lines with only sobbing on the other end.  It’s saying one last goodbye to Grandma over a conference line.  It’s bridesmaid dresses and birthday parties.  It’s labor and delivery waiting rooms and peering through nursery windows.

They’ve taught me the meaning of the name “Sister”.

And to me, it means a lot.   But I’ve learned over the years, that sisters don’t have to share parents, they just have to share life.  Even the dictionary lists “sister” as a female friend or protector.   That sounds about right.  I’m grateful my sisters are many.  They’re my ride or die friends.

“The circle of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we’re weak and sing with us when we are strong.” ~ Sark

Who is in the circle of women around you?

They are your family.  Make time for them.  Invest in them.  Keep weaving the invisible nets of love that carry them when they are weak and sing with them when they are strong.  Show up for them, eyeball to eyeball.

Let them do the same for you. 

You need each other more than you realize.

to more love,


P.S.  There are still seats at the table for you to kidnap them and throw them in the van tomorrow night if you’re local.  Make the time.  Make it happen.  You need your circle.  Get your GNO tickets right here.


image cred: Landon Schneider Photography


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