
Who lets you off the hook?

Seth Godin quote Off The Hook

Yesterday I heard this quote by Seth Godin about letting yourself off the hook.  It really struck me because I do it more than I realize.

“If you can deny your talents, if you can conceal them from others or, even better, persuade yourself that they weren’t even given to you . . . you’re off the hook.” ~ Seth Godin

Do you ever look at a certain celebrity who is doing great work in the world and secretly let yourself off the hook?  Do you think, well she has money, she can travel, workout, hone her talents and give of her time to others.  I don’t have that luxury.  

What about the woman who seems to be chasing her dreams and living her passions? Do you think, She has no fear. She enjoys the challenge. She thrives on risk. That’s just not my personality. I just like a little more certainty.

Or is it the woman who has a rock solid body? Of course she does, she’s obsessed with fitness.  I wouldn’t want to be obsessed with fitness anyway. 

What about the mom who prepares all her fresh, organic, precisely measured meals on Sunday’s so she and her family can eat healthy 7 days a week?  I don’t have time to be that prepared. We’ll just make do with the usual.

(Ooooh she lets me off the hook big time. I won’t mention any names, Breanne.)

Maybe it’s the couple who always seem so happy.   They’re best friends and still in love.  Well, she just got lucky to marry someone with so much in common.  I didn’t get that lucky.  We’re like night and day.  We’re just meant to fight. 

It’s easy to say, she has that kind of time. She has the money. She has the support. She has the training and education. She has the team. She has the resources. She has the following.  The list could go on and on.

The truth is, it isn’t her that lets us off the hook at all.  It’s us.  It’s me.  It’s you.  

We let ourselves off the hook. 

You let yourself off the hook when you choose to compare and tell yourself you don’t have what she has, so you don’t even have to try.

It’s time to own it sister.

Whatever it is she has doesn’t make it OK for you not to try. It doesn’t make it OK for you to give up on what you have.

She may have all of that. But what you have is even better. The secret sauce that makes you, you!  

That’s the good stuff.

This whole topic makes my heart sing right now!  I’ve been connecting with so many amazing female social entrepreneurs over the past few weeks and I can’t wait to share their stories with you.  We’re not going to let you off the hook.

We’ll share what the journey looks like behind the scenes.  We’ll talk about the determination it takes to create a sustainable business that makes a difference by doing social good.  We’ll share the joys and the pains of creating products that give back in a meaningful way.  We’ll even talk about the reality of the daily grind versus the glamorous photos and videos on their websites.

I know not everyone is setting out to be a social entrepreneur.  My hope is that openly sharing the risks and the rewards of this kind of life will inspire you to live you own HeartStories.

These women will be examples for you, of what can happen when you put yourself on the hook.  

Who do you pretend lets you off the hook?

What’s one thing you’d do differently if only you had what she has?

I’d really love to hear about it.

Because if you think about it and own it, you’ll be inching a little closer to putting yourself on the hook to do the great things only YOU can do in this life.

And that is what we all need.

To more love!


P.S. If you’re ready to put yourself on the hook and stand up to take your turn, check out this beautiful new book by Seth GodinWhat do to when it’s your turn.  And it’s always your turn.  (btw- the only thing in it for me if you do, is that you might actually put yourself on the hook and take your turn)


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