A while back, I was looking for something in the binder I used to collect all my notes and drawings from the earliest days of HeartStories. It was well before it had a name or any structure to it. I was working through the Creative Emergence process with Michelle James to discover what was in my heart to create in the world.
I stopped suddenly at this page. It’s a marker drawing I did of “Prosperity”. (Clearly, I am a talented marker artist whose work should be world renowned!)
Prosperity was one of ten words I chose out of list to describe what was emerging in me. It was an interesting choice for the exercise, so Michelle asked me to stop what we were doing, to quickly draw it out.
What does prosperity look like to you?
This is what I drew. It’s a big house on a large property with all the doors open in the front and back. It is filled with happy people. They’re in the kitchen, living room, swimming pool, dining room, front yard playing soccer, and swinging in tree swings in the back. The sun is shining.
There is clearly a lot of love, life and community happening in this picture.
I remember drawing it like it was yesterday. When I was finished, I described the drawing to Michelle. Her response was that no one else in the world would have drawn “prosperity” the way I did. I saw prosperity as a big, thriving community.
That was almost 3 years ago.
The journey I’ve been on since that drawing has been fast and furious and hard in a lot of ways. It’s been a journey of learning to follow my heart and trust myself in the process. It’s a journey of finding my voice and the women I am meant to serve.
I tried a lot of things that didn’t work along the way.
I’m still learning to love and accept myself no matter what happens with HeartStories. Way back then, I said that the success (or failure) of this business wouldn’t affect my acceptance of myself. I’ve learned that was easier to say, than it has been to live out, through this journey.
When I saw this drawing of prosperity again, I suddenly had a clear vision of the house being abandoned, locked up, and dark with boards on the windows.
It’s sad, but that’s how I have secretly felt at times. I’ve secretly wondered if my dreams of outrageous generosity and prosperity were snuffed out. There were times I thought of giving up. Especially when people who loved me dearly, thought it was more trouble than it was worth.
But I just couldn’t let go. I kept holding on, putting one foot in front of the other, day by day.
Today, that drawing means more to me than it did the day I drew it. One by one, I’ve been taking down the boards and turning on the lights.
Together, we’ve been building that house and filling it with love, joy and hope.
What’s on the horizon with Shop By Stories and the resulting community, is a full-color picture of that house, fully alive. A picture of what generous prosperity can look like. It creates a beautiful circle by connecting you with the stories of women, who’ve gone to more trouble than other’s thought it was worth. It connects us with their heartstories and their devotion to lighting the corner of the world they are meant to light.
It gives us a chance to join hands and support each other as we live the stories of our hearts.
What’s the dream you secretly think has been snuffed out?
What “failure” in your life has secretly caused a blow to your acceptance of yourself?
Today, please know that YOU are worthy of love and acceptance, no matter what has happened in your life.
Don’t give up on your dream.
We need you to keep holding on.
Start today, by sharing your dream with a friend. If they already know about your dream, share with them your disappointment or your hope for more. You can’t go it alone.
There’s a big corner of this world waiting for the light only you can shine.
Shine on Sister!
To more love,