Did you enjoy the latest blog post from our new contributing HeartStories blogger, Stephanie Hanrahan about how to talk to your daughter about her body? I so appreciate the wisdom she shared regarding positive body image, as well as practical tips on how to address this topic with our children, especially our daughters. It was obviously born from a journey of work, learning, and dedication to self-love.
Stephanie has been a HeartStories Sister for nearly a year now. The image above is the actual first moment we met. She attended our Vines Around The World wine-tasting girls night out last August at Knotting Hill Place. It was a spectacular night, for so many reasons, but this moment is one of the very best. Stephanie waited patiently to introduce herself and share what that evening and concept of the HeartStories GNO meant to her. She shared how much she valued authentic connections between wholehearted women in her life and in her life’s work. We vowed to reconnect soon.
When we did, I was completely smitten.
It turns out Stephanie has an incredible story and heart for women. I first introduced her to you in the blog “Signs of Hope” because I see them when I look at her. She became a writer at her breaking point from withholding her “real” life behind her beautifully curated Instagram feed. When she made her private journal public, she found herself surrounded by other women looking for the freedom and support she offered by sharing her most vulnerable stories. Her freedom of spirit is so evident in her writing. Truth is the secret sauce on top of her magical storytelling skills, where she eloquently shares her honest struggles that somehow leave me hopeful, every single time. When you read her words, you’ll see love, grace, and hope. Not the fairytales and unicorns kind, the real, true, hard-won, not-giving-up, gritty kind. You’ll learn what true feminine strength looks like by watching her. Soft and strong. Hilarious and honest.
Stephanie is a woman I deeply admire.
She quickly became a treasured member of our HeartStories team, helping us with written content in many forms. She’s been writing our newsletter, and last week, she became the first “official” contributing writer on our blog. This blog platform has historically been reserved as a place for me to share stories of hope, encouragement, and inspiration. But recently, I decided that I want this blog to elevate the voices of more women, sharing diverse stories that will encourage and inspire you.
I want you to see in their faces and read in their words, that you are enough and you are never alone.
Of course, I’ll still be here writing to you, and you’ll get to enjoy hearing more from Stephanie along with a few other trusted ladies in future posts on our blog. We all learn more and do better when we actively listen to new voices and consider life from other perspectives. This idea was birthed from the same place in our hearts as our upcoming event, “Every Body GNO ~ a girls night to rock your body image” – where Stephanie and six other fiercely loving, influential women will help you learn to embrace the skin you’re in and embrace TRUE body love through a panel discussion on positive body image. It will be good for your mind, body, and soul!
You don’t want to miss any of it.
Be sure to register for our August 6th event and subscribe to the blog.
I look forward to seeing you there!
to more love,