When I look back over the last three years of HeartStories, I see a winding journey. It’s always been heading in the same direction, but it’s taken many twists and turns, carving it’s new path all along the way.
When I look back at how far we’ve come, all I see is you.
You’re reading, commenting, and sharing our posts. You’re buying tickets and attending events. You’re shopping in our shop, purchasing with purpose, to support female social entrepreneurs and women all over the world. You’re trying new things, supporting in so many ways.
I see you trusting my heart, even when you aren’t exactly sure where it will lead.
Thank you.
HeartStories has always been a labor of love. It’s about me doing what I’m meant to do by serving you, supporting you, and leading you to what you’re meant to do. What I see is when my heart is fully in-tune with giving to you, I end up being the one learning.
It’s been a journey of discovery that’s been hard and scary at times. I’m so grateful you’ve been here.
Seeing your courage, your strength, your tenacity, your curiosity, your vulnerability, your joy, and your love is such a beautiful gift to me and to this world.
Thank you, today and always.
Keep it up sister.
to more love,