I saw this little guy on Pinterest the other day and laughed out loud, all by myself. He looks like he’s been through the ringer and no matter how much I loved the holidays with family, friends and traveling, this is how I felt when I had to wake up extra early this morning.
It’s also a vivid reminder of an interesting story from the break.
One night, we were all rushing to get ready and out the door. I ran through the house (because running is apparently the only speed I know when I’m getting ready) making sure the kids had what they needed. I started the hot water while I finished grabbing my towel . . .and robe. . . and slippers. . . and hair turbon. . . and everything else I obviously need to prepare for my shower.
I braced myself, and jumped in.
For a moment, I was standing there, I felt the hot water beating my back for about 30 seconds or so, when I suddenly realized I was all clenched up. I took a quick mental inventory, only to realize that my shoulders were raised and everything was pulled in tight. So I intentionally took a long, deep breath and let it all out slowly. I prayed for peace. I relaxed my body down to my toes before continuing the shower. As a result, instead of my normal, rushed, necessity-of-getting-ready-shower, suddenly that hot water felt calming and peaceful as it poured over my shoulders.
I instantly felt relaxed and refreshed, right in the middle of “rush-mode”.
But I had to do the work first. I had to gather ALL the supplies, brave the cold bathroom and jump in. Beyond that, I had to pay attention to my body. To notice what I was feeling, both physically and emotionally.
To receive the gift, I had to let go of anything that wasn’t serving me in that moment.
Sometimes that’s all it takes, one moment of paying attention. In one moment of being present and open to a shift in your mindset, you can discover a whole new way of feeling relaxed and refreshed. But you have to show up and do the work.
Think about that this week as you enter 2017.
Remember the wet dog. . . maybe he had a rough week and felt all frazzled. Then imagine him allowing himself to sink down into the bubbles in the tub and relax for just one minute. Then imagine him feeling refreshed and ready to face the week.
You can do the very same thing.
The kids are back at school, work is back in full swing, schedules are tightening back up. It would be easy to just brace yourself and jump in. . . shoulders raised, jaw clinched, and chest tight to simply endure the hot water beating on your back.
But remember you have a choice.
You’re schedule might not be your choice, but your body is. Your mind is. Your heart is.
Take a deep breath and relax into whatever comes next.
You’ve got this.
to more love,
P.S. This is the goal of our girl’s nights. So if you’ve ever considered showing up, to kick the tires. . . this is your week. Click here to learn more about what we do. Then grab a girlfriend you know is ready to take 2017 by the horns (as we say in Texas) and come take a deep breath together at our done-for-you GNO. You’ll be so glad you did.