Photo: CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano
While we were at the theater over the weekend, seeing “I Can Only Imagine”, (Go see it, and take an entire box of tissues!) one of the first previews that came on was for the upcoming film, “Pope Francis, A Man of His Word”. I was so captivated by the preview, I cannot wait to see the film when it’s released on May 18th.
I didn’t grow up Catholic.
In fact, I grew up as a Baptist preacher’s daughter in Oklahoma. So the whole idea of “The Pope” has always been a bit of a mystery to me, admittedly a concept I don’t fully understand. But the respect for The Pope, his role in the church, and in the world at large, is undeniable.
After seeing this preview, I want to know him more.
This film which is less like a documentary, and more like an up-close, behind-the-scenes conversation with Pope Francis himself, shows him washing and kissing the feet of Muslim refugees, riding around in a little tiny car instead of a fancy limo, and interacting with people from all walks of humanity, including farmers, workers, refugees, children, elderly, prison inmates, the United Nations and even Congress.
“Gestures, like Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, speak louder than words,” he said.
“Coming together is another gesture meant to show a desire to live in peace as brothers and sisters despite people’s different cultural and religious backgrounds.”
“We have so much to do, and we must do it together.”
~ Pope Francis
No matter your religious views, background, or even lack thereof. This message of coming together is the only way forward from where we are. Only when we come together in humility and peace, with love, speaking truth and unity will we be able to see the beauty in our differences, and learn to leverage them as our collective strengths.
Let’s take our cues from the ones who kneel down and wash feet, instead of raising our voices with divisive words.
What do you say?
to more love,
(For a fun Girls Night Out that’s all about celebrating the beauty in our differences, join us in 2 weeks, for “Let’s Get Together GNO” on April 5th, where we’ll share beauty routines, laughter and “brunch after dark” with our sisters of all different cultures.)