
Build, Heal, Restore

Heal, Build, Restore - Alicia Bush, Treasured Vessels ~HeartStories

I met Alicia in 2005.

She was selling a pain pump to OB/GYN physicians and I was promoting female hormone replacement therapy.  We’d never met, but we’d both become close friends with a particular physician who happened to have a portable ultrasound machine.  When I first found out I was pregnant, he offered to let me take his ultrasound device home.  What seemed like only a couple of weeks later, I got a phone call.  “Crystal, my friend Alicia just found out she’s pregnant as well.  Is there any way the two of you could coordinate to share the ultrasound?”  

And that was the beginning of our friendship.  

We met at the hospital for the drop, exchanged information and went on our way.  But we stayed connected.  We had a few phone conversations about careers and motherhood.  Initially, that was about it.  But then in 2013, after I’d started HeartStories, we were reconnected by my dear friend Libba.  She told me Alicia was thinking about starting something and she wanted to chat.

She was up to something good.

In 2015, she started an organization called Treasured Vessels Foundation with these amazing ladies.  They are a nonprofit on a mission to build shelters, heal hearts and restore hope to girls ages 12-17 who have been rescued from sex trafficking. . . right here in the DFW area.

Alicia Bush, Treasured Vessels Foundation, with heartstories

“Last year, I resigned from my career of 12 years in medical device sales to begin the search to uncover what really was my role here on earth and why was my heart so burdened for the unjust and the taboo topics of the darkness of humanity no one really wants to talk about.” ~ Alicia Bush, founder Treasured Vessels Foundation

Resigning from a job in the medical device field to take a path you’re feeling called to, is no easy task.  I can attest to that first hand.  But I know Alicia can join me in saying, it is worth it.  There is nothing more fulfilling than to know you are spending your days doing work that was only meant for you.

It’s about showing up to do work that no one else is going to do, if you don’t.

For Alicia and her fabulous team, that call is about building, healing and restoring the lives of girls in North Texas who have no one to care for them and nowhere to go.   These are girls who feel judged, shamed and broken.  Treasured Vessels Foundation is being built to give them hope.  To restore their dignity.

To show them love.

Alicia is joining us Thursday night to share a little bit more about her story.  She’ll share about what it’s been like so far, through the struggle and the triumph to pursue this calling she knows is part of her HeartStory.  If you’re local, I hope you can join us.

I’ve got a feeling some healing, building, and restoring is going to take place.  😉

to more love,



  1. I love everything Alicia is doing with TVF, and I appreciate everyone who is helping her along the way–in a small and/or big way! Thank you!! Lacey Pruett

    1. Crystal Gornto

      YES! Me too Lacey! You bet! Look forward to meeting you!

  2. Crystal Gornto

    Thank you Glenna! That means the world coming from YOU- the Queen of connections!
    How I wish you could join us. One day. . .

  3. What an amazing thing you are doing to maintain so many connections and benefit others. My privilege to know you.

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