This morning, I woke up feeling totally unqualified to write anything for you.
For about thirty minutes, I mulled around letting myself feel stuck, avoiding the keyboard like the plague.
Yep. There are times I feel completely unsure.
I feel unsure of what to say and what to do next. Sometimes I feel unsure of how I got here or unsure of why I’m qualified to decide.
I’ve learned a thing or two about that feeling. There’s actually a name for it. It’s called the imposter syndrome and we’ve become pretty well acquainted. (In fact, many women are well acquainted with this feeling.) Sometimes it sneaks in, whispering… just wait until they find out you don’t really know what you’re doing. You’re just a fake, a phony. No one would ever pick you. Just like it did this morning.
I’ve learned to make it a trigger.
It’s a trigger for me to remember why I chose myself. I let it remind me that I’m totally and completely human. I screw up and make mistakes, maybe more than most people, AND I’m exactly who I need to be for exactly this moment in my life. It reminds me to trust that I have within me, the strength and guidance to make the choices I need to make today. It reminds me that I have enough wisdom to navigate whatever I’m facing. I may not know exactly where to go or how to get there, but I know which way I’m heading.
Because the way I live my life is my gift. Only I can choose how I give it. No one can say it’s not good enough, because it’s mine and I decide. It’s the same for you.
Your life is your gift.
Only you can decide how you’ll give it.
On the days you feel unsure, unsure of who you are, unsure of where you’re going, or why you’re qualified to be here, let that feeling be a reminder. Of course, you are totally human. Of course, you screw up and make mistakes, really big ones. Of course you still have a lot to learn and a long way to go to be all you want to be, AND you are exactly who you need to be for this moment in your life.
It’s your life, your gift.
Make that imposter your imaginary friend, reminding you that you’re human and your life is a unique and beautiful gift.
Now get moving and go give it away today!
We’re counting on you.
To more love,
P.S. I’m pretty sure you could ask every single one of our Love Makers if they know the imposter and they would say, “Absolutely, yes! She visits me nearly every day.” Read their stories and see for yourself :
Meet the Love Makers
![]() Tuli fights poverty in Uganda
with their beautiful jewelry.
Get to know her here.
![]() Colette Sol USA fights trafficking
with their fabulous accessories.
Get to know her here.
![]() Colette Sol USA fights trafficking
with their fabulous accessories.
Get to know her here.
![]() With one purchase from Tiny Bee,
you can Gift one. Give one.
Get to know her here.
![]() Rooted Beauty’s all-natural skincare products
provides vocational training to women
in need.
Get to know her here.
![]() For every purchase, Link of Hearts
donates an inspirational bracelet to someone battling depression.
Get to know her here.