
When you know better

When you know better ~ Crystal Gornto | HeartStories

For lots of mamas around town, today is the big day.   The day the kids go back to school.  Luckily for us, we get one extra day.  We don’t start until tomorrow.   As a result, this is how one of us spent the day yesterday.

He finished his summer reading.  

It was a bit painful to cram it all in and I think he quite enjoyed it at the same time.  This one enjoys a little quiet time to himself and what better way to achieve that than by reading?  He had the perfect excuse to sit right there until he finished up and by-golly, he was going to take it.

It was quite a victory when he finished.

But as I was saying goodnight to him last night, he was laying out his plans for achieving next summer’s  reading, one-chapter-at-a-time.  He was feeling a little bit pooped from all that reading, but his spirits were still up and he was excited about planning to tackle it with a different course of action next year, because he’ll know better.   And that planning, brought him hope.

We shall see how that goes.

It’s a nice little reminder for the rest of us, to have grace with yourself.  There’s no need to waste your energy being frustrated, disappointed or shaming with yourself.  That will only keep you stuck in old patterns and old stories.  Instead have a little grace.

Remember, when you know better, you do better.  

Learning from poor choices is the very best thing you can do.  It turns the choice into a gift instead of just a pain.

And it’s entirely up to you.

So the next time you start to shame yourself, in your head, about something you messed up, something you did wrong.  Show yourself a little grace.

Then put a plan in place to do it differently next time. . .

When you know better.  

We learn a lot from doing. . . especially when we do it wrong.

to more love,



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