You know that feeling that takes over your body when you open the door to walk into a coffee shop, grandma’s house, or the little bakery on the corner? The sweet aroma hits you as soon as you open the door and your body responds with a relaxed “ahhh” and anticipation of what’s to come.
I experienced that yesterday in an unexpected way.
My family tries to make it to church on Sundays. Not because it’s a religious practice and we need to check the box, but because it helps us stay connected to the story of God in our lives. When we’ve run ragged through our week, on Sunday there’s a space we can count on, to get reconnected to the faith that brings hope and focus to our lives, our story.
That space is our church.
We try to make it to the 9:00 AM service, but we were running a little behind, as usual. The boys overslept and we were rushed getting out the door. When we arrived at church, I took the boys to check-in to the kid’s area and Scott went on to find us some seats. I said goodbye to the boys then stepped back out into the crisp, sunny, fall air.
While I walked across the parking lot, a peaceful feeling took over. (Fall is my FAVORITE time of year!)
As I opened the door to the lobby, a familiar aroma filled the air. Light was pouring in through the windows, the smell of coffee from the cafe filled the air and I could hear my friend Crystal singing a song I knew. I felt like I’d just been wrapped in a warm, cozy familiar blanket and something really good was on the way.
So I took this picture, because it was a special moment.
As I slipped in the row next to Scott, he leaned over to show me the name of the teacher for the morning and we both smiled. This particular teacher has such a sincere, humble spirit about him, yet he’s hilarious and deeply profound all at once. Add to that, his topic for the day was one of our core values: generosity.
We knew it was going to be good.
(He even told a story about smelling something good on the way!) Craig didn’t focus solely on being generous with our money, because generosity is so much more than that. He talked about being radically generous with the whole of who you are. Being generous with your emotional currency, your physical space and your time. That the generous make generous plans. It doesn’t happen by accident.
It was a message that pretty much summed up how I want to show up in the world. It encouraged my heart so much and set me on a great path for the week of focusing on giving generously in every part of my life.
It started with a familiar space, a smell, a sound and a community that reminds me of my story.
We all need those reminders in our lives of the story of who we really are.
What reminds you of what’s most important in your life?
I encourage you to find time. Make space, this week to cozy up in the familiar space, with the familiar sights, smells, sounds and people that remind you of who you are. Get back there.
Something good is on the way.
to more love,