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You bump into a one of your best friends.

Beyond status updates and a filtered photo every now and then, you haven’t really talked in a while. You quickly hug her and insist on meeting for lunch someday soon. As you both rush off, you feel a tinge of sadness and wish you would’ve made just five minutes to catch up.

Before you know it, someday gets replaced with big meetings and soccer practices and “are you free next week?”s.

And if someday does come, you don’t even know where to start the conversation. After all, how do you catch up on the weeks, months and possibly years of your life she’s missed?

Some of your closest relationships have been reduced to newsfeed friendships, occasional coffee meet-ups and sporadic girls nights. They’re not the way they used to be – meaningful and carefree, genuine and fun, deep but liberating.

You can fix this by being intentional about nurturing relationships with those closest to you, which has always been easier said than done.

Until today.

Right now you can invite your closest friends to sign up to take our free 20-Day Friendship Challenge.

Sign up to get a note from us every day for 20 days sending you to our web app.  In the app, you’ll find an engaging question each day to spark fun conversations.  One by one, those conversations will begin to breathe meaning and life back into the friendships you care about most.

You won’t believe how easy it is to replace old, negative noise in your life with love and connection.

There’s just one little catch.

You have to do it together.  So, send your closest friends to www.friendshipchallenge.com to sign up with you!

If you want a real life example of why we need this in our lives, click here to read a story about how a similar challenge worked for our founder.

We can’t wait to hear about how the Friendship Challenge works for you!

P.S.  No worries if your friends don’t know each other. They won’t have to. This challenge is designed to make it easy to strengthen your individual relationships with each of your core friends.

P.S.S.  If you want to save the web app as an icon on your phone for easy access, click here to check out our little how-to guide.